
1683Why hello!

I’m glad you’re here.

So I (obviously) decided I wanted to start a blog. Not because I think I have a lot to say, or even because I believe that what I have to say is terribly important. I decided I wanted to start a blog because I have so many words bottled up inside me that I need to let them out. I need them to spill out on the pages and take up space, to say things that I think people aren’t saying—not about the politics and dissent of nations, but about the simple things. The things that make up happiness in routine lives. I don’t know if anyone will ever read what I write or if it will just live in the vast depths of the internet forever, but I think that I should at least try to make one person happier with what I have to say.

Really, I just want read books and cook amazing food, try new recipes, and wake up in places all over the world. I want backpack, and run, and fly through life; because it’s short. And beautiful.  I want to go to concerts—crazy ones with loud music and screaming fans, and quiet symphonies with men in black suits and women in fancy dresses. I want to road trip across the country with friends—and alone. I want to touch the oceans and fall asleep under the stars, listening to the waves. I want the life that other people dream of having.

And I want you to come with me on this journey.

For additional photos you can check out my portfolio: https://apertureandenchantment.myportfolio.com/