Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week

Week Thirty-Four

Image Title:

Lens: 24mm Prime

Focal Length: 24mm

F-Stop: 2.8

Exposure: 1/60

Camera; Canon EOS Rebel T3i


It’s a chilly 22 degrees Fahrenheit and snowing like mad here in Lincoln today.  Wind chill is dropping the temp to -4 and I am holed up in a coffee shop with my sister, drinking a cinnamon latte and watching the city fill up with snow.

Over Christmas break I got to shoot with my friend and fellow photographer, Evan. We spent the afternoon in his town taking photos in bookstores and back alleys, on bridges and pretty brick walls. We talked coffee and books and took more photos under street lights in the rain. I had a couple more paragraphs of things I felt I needed to say about this photograph, but none of them felt right, and all I really want to say is that being able to shoot with another photographer has always proved to be very inspiring. So, shoot when you can, shoot wherever you can, and shoot with whoever you can.

Happy Tuesday.



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